A VERY wet end to 2022

It started to rain heavily in October, and then just wouldn’t stop. Sadly for many of our local neighbours and friends this event was also devastating. And, not only in our region but many parts of Australia.

The Abercrombie Creek flowed again due to the flooding waters - to a level not seen for over 60 years.

Despite efforts livestock were stranded for long periods of time, or lost. Our scheduled shearing could not take place which meant sheep headed into summer and joining with long wool.

The road used for travel off the place was closed completely by November and the school bus service eventually ceased. This meant a twice daily return journey of over 100km to Moulamein. Eventually Moulamein was evacuated and the school closed.

The subsequent amounts of feed that flourished once things had dried out have been wonderful.

Hopefully now that we have survived Covid and this flooding event things on-farm will stay drama free for some time.


Shearing - March 2023


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