LAMEROO - 2019. Friday, 11th October. (Results).

NOTE: The sale of the '18 drop ewes will be broadcast on AuctionsPlus.

Cash/Tyringa Family Trust will be selling Keri-Keri blood ewes

400 X June/July '18 drop Merino ewes.  Sold for $282.00 / head.
220 X 4.5 year old ewes.  Sold for $172.00 / head.

Mulesed & tail stripped. Late August shorn. 
For further details on the ewes phone Martin Cash - 08 8626 5021

Photos of the sale ewes, taken September '19.


FOR SALE: Keri-Keri bred ewes


Keri-Keri bred ewes for sale. Friday, 27 September 2019. Wycheproof sale. 12.30pm.